Mr Gabriel Okeowo


My name is Gabriel Okeowo and I am a male Nigerian citizen. My background is in behavioural science (Bsc. Sociology). I also have a Master’s Degree in Project Development and Implementation (MPDI) and a Certificate in Data Processing and Management Information System (DPMIS). I am a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM). I have also engaged in several other professional trainings aimed at making me the best in my career.

What do you do/where do you work?

I am presently the general manager of BudgIT Foundation. I am responsible for the overall organizational strategy, managing the various departments/project teams within the organization, interfacing with donors, raising funds for projects, reviewing organizational plans and budgets as well as overseeing brand visibility strategy.

How did you come about the decision of what you currently do? What are some of the career choices that have led you to this point?

My choices have always been influenced by my passion for enhancing the lives of people, especially marginalized people. Over the last ten years, I have worked with various reputable local and international organizations for the marginalized population across five West African countries where I have handled complex responsibilities and managed both human and other resources to a judicious productivity.

I started contributing to developing and empowering my community right after graduation. I was trained as a peer educator and immediately adopted a school where I trained over 80 adolescents on topics relating to Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS.

My choices have always been influenced by my passion for enhancing the lives of people, especially marginalized people. Gabriel Okeowo

I decided to make myself versatile and broaden my opportunities, so I enrolled in a French school to acquire a second international language asides English. This decision gave me an advantage in securing a job as a Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist on a regional project that prevents/reduces the prevalence of HIV/AIDS across West Africa transport corridor.

I specifically worked in the social marketing component where I interacted with long distance drivers, border uniform men & women, commercial sex workers and men sleeping with men. I later joined a child-focused organization; SOS Children’s Villages Nigeria as a program manager, where I led the successful implementation of a five-year Dutch Government funded community-based Family Strengthening Program (FSP) in a multi-cultural community. The program addressed the root causes of poverty and marginalization of children through investment in socio-economic development of communities and families, by enhancing the capacities of individuals, local groups and parties that impact most on child wellbeing. Having successfully implemented the FSP towards sustainability, I was promoted to the position of the National Coordinator – FSP, where I led the strategic development and implementation of programs within the national association. I guided and supported seven program locations and coordinators and over twenty other staff directly involved in the implementation of FSPs. I handled several project portfolios with the average overall budget of over $10m from divers funding base which includes subsidy from SOS International, Dutch Foreign Ministry, European Union, and Alcatel Lucent Foundation among others. I facilitated joint development of national plans and ensure their effective implementation.

Mentorship has also greatly influenced my career decision, my passion for marginalized population started after relating closely with a mentor during my undergraduate days Dr. John Ojo who at that time crossed over from working in the clinics to working with development organizations. His move spurred my curiosity so I asked him many questions, all of which exposed me to more opportunities available to me as a sociologist. This set the fire in my belly and I began to nurse the ambition of working for development organizations too. Since them, other qualifications, training and exposure I acquired afterwards was aimed at advancing this ambition.

All of this experience has given me the opportunity to relate with different people, environments, cultures, develop a very strong sense of responsibility, effective interpersonal skills and the ability to build a team and effectively contribute to teamwork, even in high-pressure environments.

In July 2017, I took a break from paid employment at the SOS Children’s Villages to strengthen the structure and processes of Adufe Farm Foods, a business I established in January 2017. I spent six months focusing full time on that business before joining BudgIT. This experience further helped me develop my leadership and management skills.

I decided to make myself versatile and broaden my opportunities, so I enrolled in a French school to acquire a second international language asides English. Gabriel Okeowo.

What inspires or drives you, why do you do what you do?

Passion drives me, identifying my passion for enhancing the lives of underprivileged and/or  marginalized people has driven my choices. Also the drive to succeed drives me daily. However, success is relatively defined. So, what I consider success may not necessarily be another person’s definition of success. Success for me is progression in my career, life, my relationship with God and number of lives that are discovering direction and purpose by the counsel, mentorship and support I give them.

Mentorship has also greatly influenced my career decision, my passion for marginalized population started after relating closely with a mentor during my undergraduate days…Gabriel Okeowo.

What skills or habits did you develop along the way that helped you get here?

I put God first in all that I do, I believe reliance on God for direction is the best habit I have cultivated over the years and has helped me to get to where I am today. The next thing is developing a hardworking and resilient spirit. I believe that God causes a person to be favored but it is with hard work and resilience that you sustain and maintain what you have been favored with.

Another important factor is integrity and honesty. Integrity is important as it keeps a person successful over time. I have been exposed to quick and fraudulent ways to get rich but I never explored any of them and I have made it a principle to stick with integrity and not be enticed by quick get rich schemes. I strongly believe that being hardworking, resilient and sticking to integrity will bring blessings of God that adds no sorrow. I am not where I want to be neither do I have the most expensive material items, but I am able to live a good life with my family and provide for their needs with the legit income I make and I trust that it will keep getting better.

I have made it a principle to stick with integrity and not be enticed by quick get rich schemes. Gabriel Okeowo

It is also important that even as a leader, you have a teachable spirit. This is necessary as it keeps you open to learn what you would not have known if you always consider yourself superior or more knowledgeable than others. Also proactiveness and patience. I have had to learn the virtue of patience as it is necessary when dealing with people as leader. I also strive to keep building capacity, not just for myself but for others, especially people I work with as increased capacity enhances implementation of tasks and programs. I have also learned how to multi task and find a balance for all aspects of my life that are important to me, which is my family, my work and my involvement in ministry work. Finding the right balance helps a person forge ahead.

I believe that God causes a person to be favored but it is with hard work and resilience that you sustain and maintain what you have been favored with. Gabriel Okeowo

What is the most challenging thing you have to deal with in your work or business and how do you tackle it?

My greatest challenge is the increasing knowledge gap I need to fill as I advance in my career in order to keep me relevant and positioned for better opportunity. This gap not only serves as a challenge but remains a constant drive for me to keep learning and become better. Another thing I have found challenging is managing people’s expectation. I have had to learn the balance between meeting up with what is necessary and dealing with the pressure of other expectations that may remain unmet at that moment.

Do you have a spiritual practice? If so, has this influenced or helped you in your work or decisions in anyway

Yes, I am a Christian and I have deep relationship with God. I consider this relationship the number one factor that has determined what I have become today. I enjoy the ministry of the Holy Spirit and He has been leading me since I was a teenager. So, asides having passion, mentors, skills and habits, the leading of the Holy Spirit has been my constant guide and anchor, leading me in the way/what I should do per time.

One More Thing you intend to do or are working towards and some steps/decisions/skills you are making/learning to achieve it ?

I am working towards acquiring an advanced degree in Public Administration. I am also considering enrolling in a leadership course in a recognized institution. This is all geared towards enhancing my skills and competence to maintain the leadership role I presently occupy as well as increasing my capacity as I forge ahead in my career.

It is also important that even as a leader, you have a teachable spirit. This is necessary as it keeps you open to learn what you would not have known if you always consider yourself superior or more knowledgeable than others. Gabriel Okeowo

Other words of wisdom/encouragement;

My biggest advice to anyone would be find what you are passionate about and be consistent. Success is found in consistency. Connect with people who can mentor you, this can expose you to ideas you did not know. Also, remain grounded spiritually, I really believe when a person is consistent and diligent and walks with God, He blesses such individual and provides support and insight to reach beyond their background and break barriers.

My greatest challenge is the increasing knowledge gap I need to fill as I advance in my career in order to keep me relevant and positioned for better opportunity. This gap not only serves as a challenge but remains a constant drive for me to keep learning and become better. Gabriel Okeowo
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1 Comment

  1. Tobi August 14, 2018 at 3:20 pm

    Nice read. Thank you!


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