My Easter journey

I went on a journey,
To discover who I was
I started from my father
His name is Ibiloye
I wondered what that meant
So, I traveled to my village.

I went to Ekiti
Where I met my grandparents
E kule o I said as I knelt to greet them
K’abo my grandmother responded
Full of smiles to see me.

Soon I heard the sound of pestle hitting yam in the mortar
My grandmother gave me iyan and obe egusi
And as I looked upon the hills of my hometown
I asked what Ibiloye means
I saw my grandfather’s chest puff up with pride as he said to me

It means it is your birth or lineage that determines you are worthy of the throne

I saw why he was proud to have a name that sounded so noble
But what I search for is not thrones or titles
So, I continued on my journey.

I have within my veins the blood of the ancient city
So, I went to Ibadan
The birthplace of Olayinka
Where my mother comes from
I saw my grandparents
I went on knees and said e kasan baa mi agba, e kule maa mi agba.

My mother’s mother gave me amala with gbegiri and ewedu
And as I ate my amala and abula
I said grandfather, what does Olayinka mean?
My mother’s father said to me

It means wealth surrounds me

I said grandfather that is beautiful
To know I am surrounded by wealth
But what I search for is not riches or possessions
So, I continued on my journey.

At this point in my journey, I thought to myself
If Ekiti and Ibadan did not show me who I am
Then I must look inward to see what I can find.

Then I heard the voice
A very still small voice
It said continue on your journey
I will show you the way to go

I went the way the voice said to go
And soon I got to Calvary
It was at Golgotha
I found a very old cross
It was the cross on which
Jesus the Christ was hung
I placed my hand on the cross
And felt a force so great
It swept me off my feet
And caused my knees to bow

The force was so tangible
It was love in its purest form
And there I surrendered
To the truth of who I was.
Although I asked no questions
It was there I found my answer
It was at the cross
I found out who I was
When I met Christ my savior.

The voice said to me
Now you know who you are
I want you to know your purpose
So, I have one more stop for you

I went as it bid me
And soon I came to a tomb
A holy sepulcher
With its stone rolled away
I went inside the tomb
And saw that it was empty
The voice said Christ the Savior
Was buried here three days
On the third day He rose
And became Christ the Lord
And there I began my journey
To discover my mission
When I made Christ my Lord.

My parents named me Ayooluwa 
It means Joy of the Lord
Truly that has been my strength
As I go about my mission
I ride in the strength of that Joy
As I do my Lord’s bidding.

I am a soldier
And Christ is my Captain
I am a remnant
Rising from the ashes

If you ask me
What is your name?
I will tell you it is
Elizabeth Ayooluwa Ibiloye

But if you ask me
Who are you?
I will tell you
I am a Christian soldier
I’ve sworn allegiance to that old cross.

Now, I ask you
Who are you?

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